This is an opinion blog about Haitian politics, economics, history and progress. You will find articles written by my friends and I and short notes about specific times in Haitian history.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Haiti, alone in its corner
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Martelly;the beautiful, the bad and the ugly
Did we elect Martelly for the wrong reasons?
In October 2010, I moved back to Haiti and found the country in the midst of an electoral process. A few months earlier, I had made a video to caution my fellow countrymen against electing any candidates with no political past. At that time, Haiti was experiencing the “Wyclef Jean fever” and Haitians looked set to elect a man with no political familiarity to the national palace. The electoral council rejected Wyclef and Martelly was elected.
Haitians were fed up with traditional politicians who had not ameliorated their daily lives. Hence, the desire to elect a newcomer with no political experience was a welcoming and lauded idea. Martelly the former singer was voted with the message that he was not a “traditional politician”.
My problem with this sort of thinking was simple; when you hire a good driver and end up in an accident, you don’t go and hire someone who has never driven a day in his life. In other words, when things are not going well, it makes more sense to look and choose the best, not the first newcomer. This does not mean that a political outsider would not be able to do the job but the priority should be to find the best candidate. Unfortunately, we did not make that choice, we chose to slap the “old traditional politicians” in the face by electing the musician; and we were proud of it.
Did we elect Martelly for the wrong reasons? Yes we did.
Martelly the beautiful.
To pretend that Martelly was one of the worst presidents we had in the past 50 years would be a lie. Martelly and his team brought new ideas and new ways of doing things to a lethargic state. Having worked for the prime minister’s office in 2012, I can say that these people were not lazy. There was always a drive to do things (whether it made sense or not), to show that the country is moving forward. The minister of tourism was a breath of fresh air, trying to revitalize a moribund sector of the Haitian economy. Prime minister Lamothe was also a hard worker despite his numerous flaws; the man was not afraid to call work meetings at midnight to fix problems. Martelly himself was equally tireless; the musician became a hard worker. The drive to show progress was so grand, that the government was seen as a government of propaganda. Haiti was moving forward it is true, but not in the most important direction; the economy was not getting better.
Martelly the bad
Being president of Haiti is a political job period. It demands a political adroitness because our democratic system demands that a president works with parliament to get things done. And this is where we made the mistake in choosing Martelly; the man did not understand what the political job of being president demanded. Why do I say that?
1. Martelly did not humble himself when he became president. He chose to continue portraying the opposition as the enemies of progress. The opponents did not like him; they hated him more.
2.Martelly arrested Arnel Belizaire after they had an altercation. Did Arnel Belizaire belong in Jail? Yes he did. However, to arrest a representative is to antagonize the parliament; a fruitless rookie move.
I could spend this whole article talking about Martelly’s political mistakes however; I will go right to the point. The hardheaded man who thinks with his heart jeopardized his presidency early on by not becoming a politician.
Martelly the Ugly
Martelly is responsible for the dreadful electoral situation we are living. It is not to say that it the president’s fault; on the contrary, I strongly believe that it is equally both parties’ fault. The opposition did everything they could to stall the electoral process. However, the President, as a head of state, is responsible for creating the conditions for stability and an electoral process that the people trust. Was he able to do that? He was not.
To be fair, we cannot pretend that that any president before Martelly has done better in organizing elections. Elections under Aristide and Preval have been equally if not more despicable. However, this level of distrust had never been witnessed before.
The last bad choice
The Choice of Jovenel Moise as his successor was a signal that Martelly did not believe he had accomplished something grandiose in his four years in power. Why not chose someone who represents his successes (Laurent Lamothe, Stephanie vildrouin, Marie Carmelle Jean Marie, Nesmy Manigat)? Martelly chose the unknown entrepreneur and fabricated him a flawless glorious past (just like Preval did with Celestin). Men like Moise and Celestin are dangerous impostors that cannot be judged on their past political actions or positions. Hence, we can always pretend that they are great men. What will we say 5 years from now?
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
The lies and the truths regarding the Dominican Republic
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Pourquoi l’écart de Lamothe n’est pas le vrai problème.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Sommes-nous condamnés à vivre comme des malpropres?
Je suis rentré en haiti après deux ans d'absence. Mon itiniraire de retour m'a conduit en république voisine où j'ai pu constater une grande resemblance entre les deux nations. A Mon arrivée en haiti, j'ai été frappé d'une dure realité que le temps avait fini par dissiper dans mon esprit; nos coins de rues restent et demeurent des musées où s'exposent des tas d'immondices. Ces tableaux inévitables presentent des spectacles visuelles et odorantes qui, malgré leur normalisation, n'ont plus leur place dans une quelconque cité qui pretend appartenir à la civilisation.
Je ne serais pas etonné que beaucoup en lisant ses premières lignes soit pressés de passer à l'article suivante car ce qui est étalé ici n'a plus rien d'étonnant. Mais ne serions-nous pas en train de basculer vers la décandence de notre chère nation si nous ne nous inventons pas le courage de nous étonner face à la dégradation de notre societe?
J'ose m'étonner car le plus illétré des haitiens ne pourrait se convaincre que de tels spectacles nauseabonds ont leur raison d'être. L'homme éduqué en moi ne peut s'empecher de se demander s'il existe une politique de gestion de déchets dans notre pays. Peut-être, mais la réalite demeurent que si telle politique éxiste, on ne peut que constater son échec irréfutable. Mais au delà de cette logique qui anime ma condamnation de ce phénomène, je veux prendre en compte une donne sociologique qui ne devrait pas nous échaper. En haiti, la rue est considerée comme le salon du peuple, un espace de liberté où presque tout est permis car l'autorité de l'etat y est quasi absente.
Prenant en compte cette donne et constatant la grande faiblesse de l'état, il n'est plus aussi inconcevable que cet état d'insalubrité perdure dans nos espaces publiques. Mais qu'en est il de nos espaces privés?
Je ne peux m'empecher de constater que dans les villes commes dans les campagnes il est permis de defigurer, en toute impunité, les facades des maisons soit avec des photos de candidats ou des écrits de toutes sortes. Comment justifier que jamais pendant les périodes d'éléctions, il ne soit interdit de poser à même les murs des photos dont la colle laisse un residu coriace? Comment expliquer au contraire, lors des dernieres presidentielles, il ait été interdit de retirer les photos des candidats sous peine d'emprisonnement mais que rien n'ait été fait pour protéger la propriété privee? Est-il censé que Le proprietaire haitien soit condanmeé à soufrir le vandalisme de sa propriété, et à acheter de la peinture apres chaque periode éléctorale?
Bien sûr l'arreté interdisant l'enlèvement des photos etait purement politique car il essayait de parer a l'impopularité flagrante dont jouissait les jouisseurs du parti Inite. Et si les politiques ont le courage de défendre si bien leurs intérêts par des tours de mains, serait-il si difficile de faire de même pour protéger celles de la population qui paie ses taxes?
Loin d'être un critique gratuit comme l'en sont illustrement nos politiciens, je propose l'interdiction de coller où d'ecrire sur les murs. Les aficheurs pourraient par exemple clouer des photos qui seraient posées sur du carton. Une telle approche pourrait faire l'affaire des politiques et des citoyens qu'ils sont censés servir. Nous ne sommes pas obligés d'être condamné à vivre la saleté même sur nos propres propriétés.
Les sieurs du gouvernement, vous qui pretendez être porteur de changement, prouver le en promouvant le respect de la propriéte privée.